Subjects require the permission of their overlord to increase their rank.Members must be either catholic, protestant or reformed. Members of the HRE require the permission of the emperor to increase their rank.This depends on relations, piety and not being excommunicated. Catholic nations require the permission of the pope to increase their rank.Ruler with either 2 or greater military skill.Ruler with either 1 or greater diplomacy skill.These decisions can be enact by either having a: Increasing the rank is achieved by enacting decisions. M&T expands the government ranks from 3 to 6. Eastern Monarchy (Indonesia and Indochina).

Some events provide advisors with lower maintenance and recruiting costs.Specific buildings and ideas increases the chances of certain advisors to appear in the advisor pool.Each Advisor has 2 modifiers (1 Advisor has 3 modifiers and some modifiers are negative).